Application Have you or your family ever owned a dog before? If so what happened to it/them?
Have you ever had to euthanize an animal for other than old age? If so please explain
Tell us a little about your family? kids? if so what ages?
What type of work/work hours do you have in a week and who will care for the puppy while you are at work?
Do you have a pool and if so have you thought about fencing, hard cover or other ways to keep you dog safe when not supervised?
Do you or your family have any special hobbies, ie. hiking, hunting, camping ect
Tell us a little about where you live? Do you own or rent and if rent does your landlord allow pets.
Are you planning to crate train your new puppy? If no please explain?
If you have small children, Are you prepared to supervise their interaction with the puppy to ensure no harm comes to them or the puppy. crate puppy when you can not supervise?
What would you do if your puppy chews your favorite pair of shoes/couch/tv remote?
If need be, will you contact the breeder if due to your situation you cannot keep the dog for any reason and allow the breeder to place the dog.?
Do you agree to have puppy spayed/neutered no earllier than 18 months and no later than 2 years?
Do you agree to forward proof of spay /neuter to the breeder?
Do you have a sex preferance for your new puppy?
Do you agree to inform the breeder of any changes in contact info/address change?
Would you agree to send updates/pictures to the breeder as the puppy grows?
Please check that you ARE NOT purchasing this puppy for resale or acting as an intermediary for pet shops, puppy mills or anyone who buys puppies in lots for resale or illegal breeding purposes
What is you main reason for purchasng a Fox Red Lab?
Why have you decided that an American/field Fox Red Labrador is right for you?
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself/family and what you are expecting and looking for in this dog?
Submit Application
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire. You will be contacted by phone for interview which will give us a chance for you to ask questions and also us to know exactly what temperament in our pups would best suit your lifestyle. We do take your considerations into account to help assist in placing the right puppy into your home. It is found to be the best way to place a pup and hope that your puppy will be a welcomed addition to your lives.