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Puppy Application

Please fill out the following application for a puppy from Fireside. There are no right or wrong answers but it will allow us to get to know you. You will be contacted after submission. 

phoenix rising litter announcement best
Do you have a pool and if so have you thought about fencing, hard cover or other ways to keep you dog safe when not supervised?
Do you agree to have puppy spayed/neutered no earllier than 18 months and no later than 2 years?
Do you agree to forward proof of spay /neuter to the breeder?
Do you have a sex preferance for your new puppy?
Do you agree to inform the breeder of any changes in contact info/address change?
What is you main reason for purchasng a Fox Red Lab?

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire. You will be contacted by phone for interview which will give us a chance for you to ask questions and also us to know exactly what temperament in our pups would best suit your lifestyle. We do take your considerations into account to help assist in placing the right puppy into your home. It is found to be the best way to place a pup and hope that your puppy will be a welcomed addition to your lives.

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